Hi, thanks for the reply. I made a quick picture of the network as it is. As I have it now set up, PC1 can see PC2 and PC3, but but not PC4, which is connected on a different router. Same goes for TV3 can see the MY CLOUD, but TV1 and TV2 on the different router not. So there are actually two seperated networks (also two different wifi networks).

Jan 06, 2018 · Connecting 2 routers to 1 modem by Shawna_75 Jan 6, 2018 11:58PM PST I apologize if this has already been asked, new to Forum and still learning my way around. Hi all, I have kind of a stupid question. I just moved into a new house and my computer room is on the other side of the house from my router. I can't wire an ethernet cable down there, and although I haven't tested I doubt the wireless is quick enough for Overwatch at <30ms ping. I have a COAX cable in the new computer room, though. My second router which is a cisco/linksysWRT160N as R2 with ip Both are wireless/wired router. When I connect via R1, I can browse the internet and go out of the world. Feb 09, 2014 · The Super Hub I have in room 2 is the most central so I want this to provide Wi-fi to the house as well as have some stuff connected via ethernet. The Super Hub in room 1 is from my wife's house and is no longer needed there so I want to get that running so it can be used for just ethernet stuff. Jul 05, 2019 · The best routers (and multi-pack devices) for covering a large home. Setting up Amplifi is a snap, you can have your entire house bathed in smooth wireless signal in less than five minutes Can you hook up 2 routers in one house - Join the leader in footing services and find a date today. Join and search! Find a woman in my area! Free to join to find a man and meet a woman online who is single and looking for you. Nov 29, 2008 · Hi jcrooks501. You can have two routers in your house. Unfortunately they can't both be on at the same time. If they are both on they will both be disconnecting and reconnecting every second or minute.Its simply a war between both routers.If you let them have a war one of your routers could end up permantely broken and your broadband could be off for a while as two routers fighting for

Can I have a second router in my house? Use a Second Router as an Access Point. Here’s how I have setup the wireless network at my home using 2 routers connected with an Ethernet cable. The main router is in the ground floor while the second one is on the first floor and the entire premises get a good Wi-Fi signal.

My router is at end of unit w 2 satelites , 1 in middle & one at other end. I lose signal intermittenly , Spectrum(no choice). I have an additional orbi RBR50 router & 2 more satelites, can I use 2 routers in 1 house? Possible only as two separate network and SSIDs. Pros? Cons? RBRs can't work in satellite mode, only router or AP mode.

The 2 networks have different speeds and protocols so the modem modulates/demodulates, speeds-up/speeds-down, converts/de-converts your communications signals. In addition to being a synchronizer, modems can also include other functions, such as a telephone modem and a home router.

Oct 05, 2008 · If you are talking about using the 2 routers indepenantly - both connected to the same phone line then the answer is you can but you can only use one at a time as the adsl will only accept one connection from one device. So you could use the upstairs one while the downstairs is turned off but this kinda defeats what I think you want to do. Oct 02, 2019 · How many routers can you have in your house? Yes, it is possible to utilize two (or even more than two ) routers on the same home network. The benefits of a two -router network include: Support for more wired devices: If your first router is the wired Ethernet kind, it supports only a limited number of connected devices (typically only four or Jun 13, 2010 · Because of the layout of my house, a wireless internet connection is a bit of a pain and i cant really connect them via cables, so i was wondering is it possible to set up a second virgin modem in my living room and use a router at the back of my tv to connect the bluray, xbox and wii to the internet, and still use my original modem in the Aug 23, 2010 · I have devices plugged into the LAN ports on both of my routers (computer + networked printer on Router 1, BluRay and HD TiVo on Router 2); Router 1 handles the DHCP for both wired and wireless connections, and anything attached via WiFi or plugged directly into Router 1 or 2 can see everything else on the network. Forum discussion: Hi, I'm with Frontier and I was wondering if I can have 2 wifi routers in my home without being charged more. We have 2 jacks so that's no problem. Thanks!