Hi, I have a Server 2003 SP-2 machine and have Teradata Demo installed in it. After starting the Teradata service, I open the SQL Assistant and connects to the demoTDAT DSN. If I fire a simple sql query (not involving any database operation like Select date;) it shows me the date. But if I try to access DBC (e.g. Select * from DBC.tables;) I am

Article Info. Article Number: 75 | Last Updated: January 9, 2011. This article has been viewed 33250 times since July 11, 2008. Filed Under: Alerts Oct 24, 2013 · Hello! We noticed that while you have a Veritas Account, you aren't yet registered to manage cases and use chat. Contact us for help registering your account Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 84042 | Ending Date: 2020-06-09 : It is not unusual for the remote server to close the CTS FIX Historical Data connection. That is expected. socket.error: (10054, 'Connection reset by peer') Is there some parameter that I need to set in order to connect using the telnetlib client? Thanks. No, that should work, to a reasonably conforming telnet server. Try doing tn.set_debuglevel(2) before the read_until() to see what's coming back. Telnet(nnn.nn.nnn.nnn,23): recv ERROR connection to partner 'caedua0q.eu.carrier.utc.com:3300' broken TIME Thu Oct 08 13:31:16 2015 RELEASE 720. COMPONENT NI (network interface) VERSION 40. RC -6. MODULE nixxi.cpp. LINE 4604 DETAIL NiIWrite: P=:3300; L=:55921. SYSTEM CALL WSASend ERRNO 10054 ERRNO TEXT WSAECONNRESET: Connection reset by peer COUNTER 4 Joe, "Connection reset by peer" means that the remote end (or something in-between the viewer and server) forcibly closed the connection. The fact

The reason for the problem: 5.4.7 - Delivery expired (message too old) '[Errno 54] Connection reset by peer' Tiger.Chen

Hi, Thanks for the reply. More than handling the exception by showing some custom messages, I want to reconnect to the telnet service. Actually the problem occurs in case of network failure where the exception is unavoidable and if system regain the connection then how can I check the connection and reconnect to the telnet to continue feeding the data from the telnet server without restarting

Article Info. Article Number: 75 | Last Updated: January 9, 2011. This article has been viewed 33250 times since July 11, 2008. Filed Under: Alerts

Jul 15, 2015 · Subj: 10054:WSA E ConnReset: Connection reset by peer. From: Mushtak Mirajkar Article Info. Article Number: 75 | Last Updated: January 9, 2011. This article has been viewed 33250 times since July 11, 2008. Filed Under: Alerts Oct 24, 2013 · Hello! We noticed that while you have a Veritas Account, you aren't yet registered to manage cases and use chat. Contact us for help registering your account