National and sector statistics and reports are key to the development of the World Cooperative Monitor database and to enhanced business intelligence on the cooperative movement. 15 national rankings and databases with micro data on single cooperatives have been identified so far.

Urban Alliance is a non-profit organization located in East Hartford, Connecticut. Motivated by the love of Christ, as people of faith and hope, we have a deep desire to respond to the brokenness of our Greater Hartford community together in unity, and to help and serve others, even as all of us are in need of help, hope and love. INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATIVE ALLIANCE 2020 High Level Political Forum exhibitions 1. Name of the approach/ tool/project will present the exhibition “Collective Action Around the World: Portraits of Co-operators” 2. Description of the approach/tool/project description (methodology, techniques and strategies used) International Co-operative Alliance-Asia and Pacific. 2,297 Followers · Organization. Global Goals for Sustainable Development. 393,228 Followers · Organization. Co International Cooperative Alliance, Brussels, Belgium. 15K likes. The International Co-operative Alliance is the global body uniting, serving and representing cooperatives. Visit us at

The Blueprint for a Co-operative Decade is the International Co-operative Alliance’s global strategy of and for co-operatives. To achieve the 2020 Vision of the Blueprint, the Alliance pursues Blueprint programmes in five priority areas:

National and sector statistics and reports are key to the development of the World Cooperative Monitor database and to enhanced business intelligence on the cooperative movement. 15 national rankings and databases with micro data on single cooperatives have been identified so far.

The International Cooperative Alliance is the voice of cooperatives worldwide It was established in 1895 to promote the cooperative model. Today cooperative members represent at least 12% of humanity. As businesses driven by values and not by the remuneration of capital, the 3 million cooperatives on earth act together to build a better world.

International Cooperative Alliance, Brussels, Belgium. 15K likes. The International Co-operative Alliance is the global body uniting, serving and representing cooperatives. Visit us at Jun 10, 2020 · Qantas’s international cooperative alliance is a strategic move taken by Quanta with respect to acquiring the best business opportunities and growth. The advantages and disadvantages of Qanta’s international cooperative alliance are as follows.