Set smb.conf to security = user set the share in smb.conf, there are examples in the file. /sbin/init.d/samba start Configure samba to autostart in /etc/rc.config.d/samba (first variable set to 1). Windows search, search for the hpux box. Click in, eventually you'll be prompted for a user id and password, which you set above in smbpasswd.

May 29, 2020 Fedora 25 : Samba Server : Server World [4] It's the way to access to the shared folder. This example is on Windows 10. Select [Computer] - [network] - [Map Network Drive]. How to edit "smb.conf" - Apple Community

Samba server smb.conf configuration file. Example of Samba Server Configuration file on Fedora server, smb.conf located in /etc/samba/smb.conf directory. Example of smb.conf config file: # This is the main Samba configuration file. You should read the # smb.conf(5) manual page in order to understand the options listed # here.

Setting up Samba as a Standalone Server - SambaWiki Optionally set a different location in the smb.conf file using the passdb backend parameter. See the smb.conf 5 man page for details. Create a demoUser account on the local system: # useradd -M -s /sbin/nologin demoUser Omit the -M parameter if the user requires a home directory on this host. For Samba access, the account does not require a

The Samba configuration file, /etc/samba/smb.conf, defines important parameters for Samba-based file sharing.After you have verified the Samba integration with Server Suite and Active Directory using a sample configuration file and the test share, you need to modify the smb.conf file so that it accurately represents your environment.

If the folder is outside your home folder, for example, in /media/username/movies, the fastest way of sharing the folder is to put in the [global] section in the smb.conf file force user = USERNAME where username is your user or the owner of the shared folder. This has several security implications but is nonetheless, the fastest way of sharing