Lightweight Portable Security (LPS) Public Edition (LPS

Feb 03, 2019 Submit a Linux distribution Instructions Select a Linux in the list to modify it (preferred method) or create a new one. Fill in the maximum number of items in order for your request to be processed fast. Tips: Use Distrowatch website to find the missing information.; Use the LiLi's MD5 Hasher … DoD Debuts a Brand-New Linux for Telecommuters | PCWorld

DEFT (Digital Evidence & Forensic Toolkit) DEFT 7 is based on the new Kernel 3 (Linux side) and the …

Trusted End Node Security (TENS), previously called Lightweight Portable Security (LPS), is a Linux-based live CD with a goal of allowing users to work on a computer without the risk of exposing their credentials and private data to malware, key loggers and other Internet-era ills.

GoGhost - High Performance, Lightweight, Portable Open Source Tool For Mass SMBGhost Scan Reviewed by Zion3R on 8:30 AM Rating: 5 Tags GoGhost X golang X Linux X Nmap X Open Source X Vulnerable X Windows

LPS Lightweight Portable Security Linux Live CD - YouTube Nov 27, 2011 Lightweight Portable Security (LPS)-A Linux distro from Lightweight Portable Security , created by USA’s Department of Defence, is a small Linux live CD focusing on privacy and security, for this reason, it boots from a CD and executes from RAM, providing a web browser, a file manager and some interesing tools. LPS-Public turns …