Splayed across the front windshield is a sign — made by a couple of Texas reservists — that reads, “One weekend a month, my ass!” It’s an image that military leaders would like to erase. (The image on Fort Worth Weekly’s cover and Page 10 are recreated illustrations of that sentiment.)

One Weekend A Month My A$$! Living two lives: The Military and Civilian life. A Diary of the life of a Female in the Marine Corps Reserves. Saturday, December 26, 2009. Doing maintenance on the M-31's can be quite messy. Posted by LovetoLiveandLivetoLove at 11:35 AM. One Weekend a Month, MY ASS!!! Aug 06, 2011 One Weekend a Month My Ass! -- Social Design Notes One Weekend a Month My Ass! A U.S. reservist in Iraq emails a photo to a friend back home. Friend posts it on his blog. The image is widely circulated by email, and ultimately finds mention in The New York Times a month later. The war drags on. Tours of duty are …

After all, in the last fiscal year, the Pentagon, the one institution in Washington that only seems to receive more taxpayer dollars every … Continue reading “One Weekend a Month, My …

Aug 13, 2014

Nov 24, 2009

One weekend a month my ASS!!!!! First, let me start off by saying that I am a very patriotic man. I served 6 1/2 years in the New Jersey National Guard with 2 1/2 on Title X Active Duty. The point of this is to show that I have done my time. Not one time while I was on active duty did I complain on speak out against my chain of command. Nightline Thursday: Weekend Warriors (WW My A** sign One of our cameramen got a shot of a humvee in Iraq. Written on the side was "One weekend a month my ass." The idea that the Guard is made up of guys who are out of shape and just show up to hang around a base for a weekend now and then should certainly be put to rest.